Pchum Ben Festival

Along with Khmer New Year in April, Phchum Ben is the most significant festival in the Cambodia which has been celebrated in every October. The festival lasts for 15 days, but only the final day is the biggest celebration and is the public holiday. Cambodians have faithfully observed the festival each year for as long as anyone can remember. 

Regardless how busy they may be the Phchum Ben days, Cambodians try to go to the pagoda to dedicate food and offerings to the dead. The festival's final day is the actual Phchum Ben when people visit the pagoda to show respect for their ancestors. 

Cambodian people feel sorry for and remember their relatives who have passed away. They may be their grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, daughters or sons. During Phchum Ben spirits come to receive offerings from their relatives. It is believed that some of the dead were punished for their sins and burnt in hell and tortured there. Those souls and spirits have no food to eat and no clothes to wear. Relatives dedicate food and other offerings to them.

Everyone does not wish the spirits of dead members of their family to come back to seek offerings at pagodas in vain. Wondering spirits will head to look in 7 pagodas and if those spirits cannot find their relatives' offerings in these pagodas, they will curse them because they cannot eat food given by other people. When the relatives make an offering to the spirits, they will be blessed with happiness.

Things To Do In Battambang

Battambang is an elegy to French colonialism and lies in the heart of the Northwest and till the war years was the leading rice-producing province of Cambodia. The people in the city are one of the best preserved examples of the French Colonial era, and the small-town feel you expect to happen in Cambodia as a rule. However, the true advantage is the village life that is close to the city -- be it by boat, car or motorbike. The shared consequence makes this province well worth the detour it requires to visit.

Circus Show

One of the good things that come from bad times was the founding of Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS) in 1986 in a refugee camp on the Thai border. This volunteer team used simple sketch works to help young refugees overcome the pain of war through art and self-expression.

The PPS’s children are now adults who run a home at Anh Chanh village in Battambang where more than 100 students are able to relish free activities, and acquire an education. One of these activities are an animation centre, music classes and a circus, that currently have a growing reputation. 

You can call +855 (0) 53-952 424 or +855 (0) 53 730 535 for the circus performance schedule.

Ride a Bamboo Train

These trains consist of a wooden frame, bamboo decking, an engine and wheels that come from a quarrel wartime tank. They chug up and down the railway between line Battambang and the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Naturally, they're extralegal, but tolerated because they're so helpful – and in any case there is only one real train a week back and forth. These Bamboo trains are normally used for carrying people and merchandise. A Bamboo tour can be booked through most hotels, or you can prepare it through your local tuk-tuk driver.

Sightseeing by motorcycle Taxi

A fun way to see the Cambodian rural area is on the rear of a motorcycle taxi. Puttering along the roads, you’ll go past farms, rivers and small villages. There are many places to stop and take a glance around, like Wat Sampeau which sits on top of a stone hill 18 kilometers out of city. Another is Wat Banan that has a beautiful view with 359 steps to reach the top.

Wat Baydamram is fascinating due to the large number of bats on the trees inside the temple compound, and you must also visit Wat Ek Phnom. Don’t expect to cover all these temples in someday. Take your time, take it slow and revel in the scenery.

The Naga for Peace and Development Monument

On the south of city, this monument is 6.5-metre-tall created by 4 Cambodian artists in 2007. It was built from weapons given by people of Battambang province; as at the end of the years of war, thousands of weapons had been reached hands of Cambodian people. Continuing efforts are being been made by the government and the international bodies to gather and destroy these weapons. Sponsored by the Japanese government, the monument indicates Cambodia’s commitment to peace after the conflict for 30 years back to the Vietnam War.

Angkor Wat Empire Rising

The adoption of Indian principles of deva-raja

The ancient Khmer kings adopted a booming monarchy system of Indian civilization. Being admired as the deva-raja or god-king, the kings were able to rule over the empire with absolute power and godly kingship. This enhanced the kings to mobilize manpower to serve in its military unit to defend the state as well as to invade the neighbors. Additionally, the kings could sustain their extensive irrigation system that was the factor of its successful economy with their Khmer laborers and foreign slaves.
Moreover, the kings surrounded themselves with wise men or Khmer Brahmins as their counselors. The Brahmins acquired vast knowledge which were taught only within the family. These Brahmins help made an efficient administration of the country and so resulted in stronger territory.

Strategic Site

The best strategic location of the Angkor by King Jayavarman II troubled the attack by enemies that enable its existence for over six centuries. The Angkor was settled in the North of Tonle Sap Lake, and the only one way for invaders to fight against the Angkor is by sailing up-stream from the Mekong River. Geographically, the Angkor was sheltered by forests of all sides. The land access with large armed force could become a tragedy. The weapons and troops had to be delivered in a long line that couldn't support each other in case of outbreak. When the enemies wanted to invade the Angkor, they have to sail up from the river only to meet with the robust naval force of Angkor upstream. The enemy's battle ships moved slower thus became easier to be attacked. Angkor lose only one major battle on Tonle Sap to Champa in 1171 throughout the history of over 600 years. 

Mastery over Water Management

The geographical location of the Angkor Empire itself faces 2 extreme seasons, i.e. the significant rainfall throughout Monsoon and the dry period throughout the off-Monsoon season. Various large ponds and moats, dikes, reservoirs, helped significantly to prevent floods over the farmland during the rainfall in Monsoon and for use during the dry season. The efficient and in depth irrigation system of the ancient Khmer enabled the empire to cultivate crops 2 to 3 times a year which led to high productivity and powerful economy of the Angkor Empire.


The Falls of Angkor Empire

1. Loss of Water management

Less devotion of the people to the god-king led negative impact to the empire. The Khmer people seem reluctant to work passionately for the king as a holy service as they'd previously did. The previously efficient drainage system became silted up with less water supply and the rice crops, accustomed be cultivated 2 or 3 times a year, were dramatically dropped, so weaken the productivity and the strength of the Angkor Empire.

2. The Presents of Buddhism Theravada 

The Angkor Civilization was supported by the belief of Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism. The monarchs being thought to be the god-king were able to inspire the dedication of their people to serve the throne as a religious ceremony. The empire's extensive irrigation system and military troops required huge laborers and workforce to maintain. The introduction of Theravada Buddhism in 13th century to the Khmers had clad to harm sublimely the basic foundation of the Angkor Empire in the long run. Theravada Buddhism educated the people to abandon worldly things, seek self-enlightenment, and discourage any superstitious notion belief which means directly or indirectly all divinities and all evils. The power of the monarch as a god-king or deva-raja was primarily challenged. 

3. External Threats

As bordering states of the Angkor raised, they became serious threats to the empire, mainly the Ayuthaya, Thai State in the West. In order to shield the empire, the Angkor had to direct portion of its workforce to secure robust soldiers that in turn, run-down itself from maintenance to its irrigation system.

4. Two-edged weapon system of Roads Network

The road network designed by Jayavarman VII had aided the transports of product and trades throughout the empire and also expedited the Khmer troops to quell its neighbors. It had become an ambiguous blade when the Angkor became weak as the invaders could easily trooped through this road, rather than previously sailing up from the Mekong River. This clad to be true when the newly emerged Ayuthaya, a Thai kingdom in the West developed sturdier. They used this road to head from the Chaophaya through Phnomrung (in Burirum of today’s Thailand) then march to Aranyapathet to attack the heart of Angkor and finally seized the empire in 1431. The glory of the Angkor Civilization was terminated since that time. 


5 Best Destinations in Phnom Penh

There is so much to see and do in Phnom Penh that almost all people are surprised as they make a stop in the Phnom Penh heading to or from Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat. But people who don’t make a stop off in Phnom Penh miss out on such a lot of fascinating historical, cultural and environmental attractions on offer.

It’s not all about Cambodia’s tragic past or the Khmer Rouge either. Khmer era temples, museums, shopping, and river activities are all easily accessible and tours are affordable. See our personally researched guide to the best attractions in Phnom Penh below.

The Royal Palace

Address: Riverside, Sisowath Quay 
Opening Hours: 08:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M

The Royal Palace covers an area of 174,870 sq. meters and is open to visitors, even if the king of Cambodia still lives there sometimes (if the blue royal flag is flying, the king is in residence).Different buildings have been added and renovated over time, even up until the mid-1960s, but some date back to the 19th century. You’ll be able to visit Throne Hall with ceiling frescos showing the story of the Ramayana, the Moonlight marquee where classical Khmer dances have been performed for decades, and also the Silver pagoda, named after the 5 tons of tiles covering its floor. The Silver pagoda also houses the renowned Emerald Buddha.

The National Museum of Cambodia

Address: Corner of Street 13 and Street 178
Opening hours: 08:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. daily

The National museum of Cambodia has one of the biggest collections of Khmer arts with over 1,800 works on exhibition. There are varied sculptures, ceramics, and ethnographical objects like theatrical costumes or marriage boxes dating from the ancient time to post-Angkorian periods. The building is in the early 20th century but reveals traditional Khmer design. The ponds and garden feature statues of various religions. Note that taking photos inside the museum is not permitted and this is a must-see visit while in Phnom Penh.

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Address: Street 113, Sangkat Tuol Sleng
Opening hours: 07:00 A.M – 5:30 P.M. daily
Tuol Sleng genocide museum, also known as S-21 prison, and Choeung Ek Killing Fields Memorial are the foremost visited traveler spots in Phnom Penh. Visits to both sites may be very emotional, but it's an important stop while visiting Phnom Penh to know the latest tragic Cambodian history.

Tuol Sleng was a high school that the Khmer Rouge used as a torment and interrogation center.  Most rooms are left in the state they were found in January 1979, as well as classrooms divided into small cells. The haunting identity photos of the prisoners who were tortured here are displayed in the museum.

Choeung Ek Killing Fields Memorial
Address: Sangkat Cheung Aek
Opening hours: 07:00 A.M – 5:30 P.M. daily

Choeung Ek Memorial is best called the Killing Fields. Locate 17km south of Phnom Penh, Choeung Ek Memorial is one of the many killing fields and burial grounds used by the Khmer Rouge throughout Cambodia. The huge graves were revealed there after the Khmer Rouge fled the city, and estimates up to 15,000 people were killed there. The visit is very detailed and includes testimony from both survivors and guards of the regime.

Central Market

If there’s one thing Cambodian capital has plenty of, it's markets. Large, small and everything in-between, you’ll find collections of stalls in main streets around the city, selling millions of everything. If you’re pressed for time, you'll be able to get the full experience at the must-see Central Market. Both can excite all of your senses, but have completely different atmospheres and are famed for their own specialties and bargains are assured.

River cruises

Address: Sisowath Quay, Riverside
Opening hours: day and sunset times

River cruises begin at Sisowath quay, between Street 178 and Street 130. Expect to be asked again and again to choose a ship as you walk past. There are evening sunset and daytime cruises which are the most common. This is an excellent way to see the city from a distinct perspective and enjoy stunning views of the Riverside and Royal Palace. The route goes down the Tonle Sap onto the Mekong River and up the shore of Kandal Province on the opposite side to look at floating villages before returning.

Bamboo Island

Besides boasting a renowned name and beautiful white sand beaches there are many wonders of natural beauty hidden within the islands close to the coastal town of Sihanoukville. One such island is Bamboo Island (Koh Russei), where picturesque beaches and the fresh sea air soothes tourist’s souls, sends them into a state of relaxation and melts their cares away.

You won't find TV or web or even roads on Bamboo Island but what you'll find is warm, blue, crystal-clear water, excellent for swimming, soft golden sandy beaches, lush natural surroundings, and plenty of peace and tranquility that you won’t encounter in several other so-called ‘relaxed’ destinations. This is serenity at its best.

You’ll find footpaths throughout the island, so you'll be able to explore the jungle covered interior. There’s a volleyball net on the beach.

How To Get There

The one and a half hour trip to Koh Russei from Ochheuteal Beach only costs $20 per round trip for teams of one to three guests. Teams of four or more pay only $6 per person. The boat ride takes about half an hour and once there you'll find that only about 30 individuals live on the island.
A ferry departs from Ochheuteal Beach at 10:10 A.M and departs from the island at 4:10 P.M. the traverse takes roughly 30 minutes.


A few days on Bamboo Island, off Sihanoukville coast, comes extremely recommended. On its north-facing crescent beach Bamboo Island has 3 cottage resorts, 2 restaurants and 2 bars and is incredibly, very laid back. Unlike on the more frenetic land, there are no hawkers and the bungalows are right on the caesarians-lined beach itself.  There are some day-trippers but come nightfall the island is much deserted. Electricity is provided by 2 generators for the early hours of the evening but then it's back to the moon and the stars for light.

When To Go

The best time to go to islands is during the monsoon season. Between Nov and Feb, northerly winds obtain and can create the group more difficult to navigate.

What To Do

Bamboo Island is a paradise for quiet journey to the nature, so there are not many things to do on. You can swim all day, go on a fishing boat, read in a hammock, or play volleyball with the fishermen; variety of shirtless sarong-wrapped anglers play during the day. There are also bonfires and barbecues at night. The restaurants have a full menu, giving the usual beach fare like omelets, French fries, curries and soups. This is a usual 3 Island Boat tour discovering Koh Ta Kiev, Koh Craloh, and Koh Russei. Koh Ta Kiev is the larger island and ideal for snorkeling.

Travel Tips

At Bamboo Island, all bungalows have fans and mosquito nets. Bathrooms and cold water showers are shared. The generator runs when it's dark and goes off about 11pm.

When visit there, you should take the following: insect repellent, coils, soap, sun block, toilet tissue, any snacks you fancy, additional liquor if you have a big group, a hammock, a bed linen, and a first aid kit might be a good plan.

What You Need To Know When Visiting Angkor

To visit Angkor and other Temples, you need to have an authentic admission pass also called an Angkor Pass. The admission passes are purchased at the main entrance situated on the road to Angkor Wat, and a one-day pass can be found at the another entrance gate on the road from the airport.

A one-day pass costs $20, a three-day pass for $40, and a seven-day pass for $60. A 3-day pass is valid for any 3 days within a week, and a 7-day pass is valid for any seven days within a month. For 3-day and 7-day passes, you need to supply a passport-sized photo when buying the pass. For visitors who have no a photo, they will take their photo for free, but it will take a while if many visitors buy passes.

If you visit Angkor for only one day, you may only be able to take cursory visits to see Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom which are the most renowned temples. A 3-day visit is enough to explore the main temples, and some of the minor sites, and even have some time to explore few other temple sites in depth. A 7-day itinerary give you sufficient time to thoroughly explore all the main temple ruins, visit many of the minor sites, and go to a remote temple site.

You will need to carry your temple pass with you every time you enter the park, and when entering the other temples. Without a valid pass when visiting a temple, or while inside the park, you can be subject to a fine. A daily temple pass isn't needed for remote sites, but some sites have their own admission fees: Phnom Kulen ($20), Koh Ker ($10), Beng Melea ($5).

Choosing the Right Taxi Service

One has to travel around the city or outside on many occasions and sometimes over a number of times in a month. The explanations could vary and may include sudden work, a well-planned vacation or simply a good travel experience. In some cases, you may have to be compelled to pick up your friends from the airport or may have to go somewhere quickly. Individuals always prefer a one-stop solution for such desires and are increasingly turning to on-line cab services due to the convenience issue. These service providers offer intercity or intra-city cab services for affordable charges. You can depart on a long or a short trip or just use them for your day-after-day travel needs in the city.

You need to be guaranteed that your commuting desires are fully fulfilled after you hire an online cab service. For starters, you must get good value for your cash. Secondly, you must be able to enjoy a problem free journey. That is why you need to worry about these pointers while hiring a web cab service:

Nature of the fleet and presence: the corporate should have a variety of cars for various uses. For instance, SUVs, MUVs, city cars, etc. are required for various styles of travels across various terrains. However, it's not necessary for a cab company to own every type of cars. For instance, a taxi company specializing in outpost travel cities might not have smaller cars with less boot area. Similarly, an intra-city cab operator might not have all terrain SUVs.

One facet that matters: they should have a presence across the country so you do not face any hassle in a new city and may trust them for all travel requirements.

Considerate drivers:they must give you with well-trained and skillful drivers. These people have to be familiar with the places and geographic of the region or town. They must know and follow traffic rules and laws. Their identity checks and verification should have been done properly. Their soft skills like client handling, being courteous with passengers and handling emergencies matter a lot and they must be well trained in such matters. In case, you're curious where to get such details, most firms today give such information on their website or app. If not, browse up the online reviews or ask your friends for those experiences.

Punctuality and Safety:The cars that a corporation provides should be safe and equipped with all fashionable facilities like GPS, air-con and basic first aid supplies. They must have a 24/7 help line service so you can contact them anytime in case of any problems. They must be punctual both arrival and departure time. This will show a respect for the customer's time and facilitate them, as passengers are probably to refer it to friends and family, among others.

Transparent and easy billing: There is no extra cost for services. The company should follow international norms and standards. You can compare them with the best international taxi service providers. The billing process should be simple - mobile payments and on-line payment facilities, if possible.

Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor Wat Temple is in Cambodia and also the largest religious monument in the world, with the site measuring 162.6 hectares. It was built for the Khmer Empire by King Suryavarman II as his state temple in the early 12th century in the capital of the Khmer Empire and gradually remodeling into a Buddhist temple toward the end of the twelfth century. Angkor is the only one to have stayed a religious center from its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high artistic style of Khmer architecture.

The ruins of Angkor Wat are situated within the Angkor archeological Park, and the entrance to the park is found about 3km north of modern-day Siem Reap. There aren't any hotels inside the park grounds, and most visitors stay in Siem Reap which they make daily visits to the temples.

When one first visits Angkor Wat, the impact is exciting, and simply seeing photos cannot compare to the reality of this majestic structure. Approaching along the causeway, at first the design and description against the sky makes it appear nearly two- dimensional, like a vast, real-life post card. However, as one gets nearer, the detail and involution become more and more apparent.

Best Time to Visit

The wonderful structure as an entire is best viewed in soft light. The best lighting conditions are after 2:00 p.m. and a common location for sunrise viewing is the northern reflective pool. You’ll need to get there early before sunrise starts because that is when the most stunning colors are spread over the temple.
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